All meetings are held at:
The Steyning Centre
Fletcher’s Croft
BN44 3XZ
Tel: 01273 493894
Our meetings are very informal. We have a team of friendly volunteers to meet and greet you. Once you are a Club member you can attend as many or as few meetings as you wish. £3 is collected per session per member and £5 from visitors.
Format of the Meeting
The formal part of the meeting will start at 2pm when the Manager or Chairman will open the meeting. Notices are read out and a brief description of the entertainment given. This will be followed by details of forthcoming outings.
When you fill in your registration form, we ask you to give your date of birth and address, including your postcode. Birthdays are announced at the meeting, a card is presented and a chocolate or other sweet treat is given.
We try to have a very varied entertainment programme, ranging through music, quizzes and talks. The entertainment generally starts at 2.30pm and lasts for about 45mins. This is followed by refreshments. We give each member a programme of the entertainment for the year.
We have a monthly raffle – drawn at each meeting (all donations are gratefully received). In addition we have a Sales Table where members are encouraged to bring in home made items I.e. jams or knitted goods.
Paying for Outings
At each meeting payment for outings can be made by cash, cheque or card. We have two committee members on hand to give details about costs, venues, transport etc.
Most people arrange their own transport to the Club but we can arrange transport using the Community Minibus if required and with enough notice. This is organised by our Manager. – Bev on 01273 493894 or 07801 442891. We are sorry but this service is only available to people living in Steyning, Upper Beeding and Bramber. Note that some members “buddy up” and car share.